MLCCC Creative Drawing Camp 2021


MLCCC Creative Drawings 

Two levels of creative drawing classes will be offered at the 2021 MLCCC Virtual Summer Camp.

Teachers Zhang are highly experienced and applauded artists when it comes to the instruction of artistic and creative drawing, while inspiring children of all ages to explore and apply their imagination. Both classes cover learning the basics of drawing, such as layout, centerline, shadow, and depth, and details of an artwork.  See sample drawing of their students below:

Register by May21 to have the Registration Fees waived!

Drawing Beginner 绘画初级班 (Ages 6-10)

Small class size of 8 students.
Mondays & Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT

Instructor: Ms. Zhang Guangyu

This course will introduce students to basic color theory and color scheme methods. Through appreciating and analyzing the painting work of famous paintings, students will be able to follow color theory and apply it to future art learning. Content will explain color concepts such as hue/value, primary color, secondary color, tertiary color, and warm/cool color. Students will get a better understanding of the color scheme by learning intermediate colors, complementary colors, and multi-color interaction. Content will also include simple color interaction and the psychology of color. During the creative practice period, students will be able to use multiple media to create work independently. Students will get inspiration by looking through the slides show, discuss with each other, and watching the teacher's demonstration.

Supplies Needed:

Color pencils, markers, crayons, watercolor set, 9”x12” watercolor, or heavy pound drawing pad/paper. Ms. Zhang will send out emails on supplies needed before the first class.

Ms. Zhang will receive her Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia this May.  Some of Ms. Zhang’s students’ works are:

Drawing Intermediate 绘画中级班 (Ages 10+)
Small class size of 8 students.  Taught mainly in Mandarin.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT.  
If there is enough interest, we can add a class on Mondays and Wednesdays also at 1pm to teach sketching.

Instructor: Mr. Zhang Benbiao



Using colored pencils, students will master the correct drawing steps, including techniques on lines, gradation, colors, and more, so as to improve their abilities to draw realistically.    


Supplies Needed: 

Pencil, eraser, at least 36 colors of colored pencils, sketch pad (8x11 or 11x14), watch the teacher on phone but needs to view teacher’s materials on a larger screen like computer or iPad. Mr. Zhang will send out emails on supplies needed before the first class. 

Teacher ZHang's student's works are attached below.

Spaces are limited, enroll today.

Teacher Zhang, Guangyu's work can be found here:


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