Newsletter 0718


23 - Vlogs #13-15 & Summer Series  - 华文创想曲征稿启事 - Community News

MLCCC School Newsletter #20210718

Dear Parents,

We hope everyone is enjoying the summer and especially enjoying seeing each other in person after being socially distant for almost two years. Feel free to take audio or video “notes” of your family’s traveling and vacations, so you can share within classes when we return or submit for MLCC Vlog and Podcast compilations.

Our summer camp is going well as we head into our second session. A few classes still have open spots, inquire at if interested.  


1. Upcoming School Year (in Person) is in the Planning

2. MLCCC Podcast Presents Last Two Episodes of the School Year: Episode #22 and #23

3. MLCCC Vlog #13-15 and MLCCC Summer Camp and Beyond Series

4.  2021“ 华文创想曲 ” 明朗中文学校征稿启事 Chinese Essay Contest by Jiangsu Qiaoban

Community Events:

1. Renowned Mathematician Po-Shen Loh Visits Main Line on July 24

2. 疫苗真相专家谈: 宾州州长亚太裔委员会主办在线“疫苗真相”专家问答 - 视频回放 Seminar on Covid

3. Museums in Philadelphia - The Complete List (2021)

4. Gaming To A Beat! A Kennedy Center VSA Louis Armstrong Center Program 音乐游戏夏令营


1. Upcoming School Year (in Person) is in the Planning

We know this is the Question: Are we going to open the in-person School this fall??

As much as we love to return to in-person schooling on our own, we have to follow the CDC and PA State pertinent guidelines regarding school operation and the Rental Guidelines from Great Valley School District. We are actively pursuing the readiness of opening in-person schools this fall as long as we are allowed to do so.

As you may know, cases of the Delta Variant are increasing across the States; the pandemic is NOT over yet. We ask all families to continue to observe the precautions and to follow CDC and PA State Guidelines.

We want to remind everyone to get vaccinated if you have not done so already. Vaccinations will help us beat the pandemic and move on to our normalcy! Below are some resources from the Governor’s Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs: Click on the highlighted links to access.


COVID Alert PA App is now available in multiple languages, including Chinese

2. MLCCC Podcast Presents Last Two Episodes of the School Year: Episode #22 and #23

Thank you to Lily Tang and Allison Tang for bringing to us two Chinese fables in episode 22 with music accompaniment. In episode 23, thank you to Jerry Wang and Alan Liu for authoring and reading two essays about China; and to Xiaoran Yang and Ruohan Yang for hosting.  

明朗中文播客 第22集 《童话集 - 【三借芭蕉扇】,【小猪变形记】》


明朗中文播客第23集《作文集 - 【锅包肉】,【中国之旅】》

今天我们带给大家的是两篇由明朗的学生写的作文。第一篇是王子豪同学写的《锅包肉》,第二篇是Alan Liu同学写的《中国之旅》。下面就让我们分别听一听他们朗读的作文吧。

鸣谢:播客主持人:严晓然,严若寒。作文作者和朗读者:王子豪 -《锅包肉》,Alan Liu -《中国之旅》

钢琴伴奏:严晓然, Ben Crosland 的 I Hear What You Say,和 Robert Schumann 的 Erster Verlust

明朗中文播客 2020-2021全集 -欢迎收听, 感谢分享!诚邀加入!



《作文集 - 【锅包肉】,【中国之旅】》

3. MLCCC Vlog #13-15 and MLCCC Summer Camp and Beyond Series 明朗中文学校夏日户外探险系列

Our Vlog and Club 166 producers sure have not been idle! They finished our school year with 3 more vlogs and began a Summer group biking series. Let’s join our kids to enjoy nature and shed those Covid pounds!

全家参与,锻炼身体, 增进友谊! 走进自然,放松心情, 收获愉悦!明朗166及Vlog将继续为大家播出明朗夏日特别节目, 敬请关注。

Vlogs #13-15

Vlog#13 明朗中文学校五年级《西游记》知识竞赛 MLPG5 Competition

Vlog#14 偶遇十七年蝉 Cicadas

Vlog#15 To The Creek (A Year Later)

MLCCC Summer Camp and Beyond Series

Summer #1 Call for Biking

Summer #2 Solo Today, Together Tomorrow

Summer #3 Chester Valley Trail Biking

Summer#4 Blue Mountain Adventure

Summer #5 Ride in The Rain

Summer #6 Treasure on The Trail


请大家关注微信群明朗儿童夏日户外探险信息发布,积极参与户外集体活动: 疫情渐去, 回归自然, 健身养心,刻不容缓!

明朗Club166/VlogTeam Invitation:



Feel free to take videos of your activities and upload at the form below to be part of our vlogs 视频提交链接:

Our Podcasts and Vlogs are great platforms for our children to showcase their ability and creativity, and also to preserve a unique piece of memory of their Mandarin learning journey at MLCCC. Encourage your children to participate, our producers will nurture and guide them through a fruitful experience.

All Podcasts are at All Vlog episodes are listed here

4.  2021“ 华文创想曲 ” 明朗中文学校征稿启事 Chinese Essay Contest by Jiangsu Qiaoban

“同圆百年中国梦,共享华文嘉年华”  !



明朗中文学校鼓励各年级的同学们积极参与. 学校将为所有报名投稿的同学们给与"鼓励奖".  大赛得奖的同学会有奖状和奖励. (详情会在以后的学校邮件中通知).

征文题材要求:中文创作,不超过1500 字。题材不限,思乡之情、旅途游记、读书感悟、家庭生活等皆可投稿;体裁不限,日记、书信、随笔、诗歌、小说等均可参赛。具体详情。

参赛对象: 25岁以下华裔青少年。

1. 请明朗的同学们踊跃报名参加。

2. 明朗中文学校将收集所有学生递交的稿件后,一并交给费城地区联络中心主任。

3. 协会报名截稿日期是八月三十一日。

4. 请将参赛作品按照下列要求寄给学校, 抬头处注明  “明朗- 2021江苏侨办作文大赛”。

5. 提醒参赛的同学们,递交的作文要按江苏侨办通知里要求的参赛选手报名信息内容填写。

6. 明朗同学们投稿可以直接寄给校长熊群彬的邮箱:





无论身处何方,一样的文字、一样的语言让我们紧紧相连,这是中华文化绵延的血脉,是华夏儿女共同的图腾。    让我们以笔为马,在大千世界自由驰骋。让我们以华文为弦,奏响嘹亮的时代强音。来参加 “华文创想曲”第四届海外华裔青少年创意作文大赛吧!


详情请见: 2021“ 华文创想曲 ” 注意事项

1. 凡参评者均被视为自动同意本赛事的各项约定。

2. 本赛事不收取任何参评费,截稿后不再收件,建议尽早投稿。

3. 本赛事的解释权归“华文创想曲”海外华裔青少年创意作文大赛组委会。赛事有关事务请联系大赛组委会。

Be Safe!

See you all online!

Best Regards,

Qunbin Xiong - Principal

Julia Chou - Vice Principal

Sally Chen - Director of Academics

Xiaomin Wang, 2020-2022 PTO President

Xiaobin Li - 2019-2021 PTO President

Xiaofeng Tang - 2018-2020 PTO President

Lu Li - 2017-2019 PTO President

Lu Li - 2017 - Present, Club 166 President

MLCCC Chinese Weekend School

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"Like" us on Facebook under "Main Line Chinese Culture Center"

Join Parent WeChat group: WeChat ID: "MLCCC明朗校方快讯“

MLCCC YouTube Channel

MLCCC Podcasts


明朗校历MLCCC Academic Calendar 2020-2021

Community Events:

1. Renowned Mathematician Po-Shen Loh Visits Main Line on July 24

MLCCC is honored to help to facilitate the Main Line stop of the 40-city math tour Professor Loh is conducting. Po-Shen Loh is a professor of mathematics at Carnegie Mellon University and the national coach of the United States’ International Mathematical Olympiad team. He is conducting a city-to-city math tour, holding outdoor public math talks in 40 cities. He will arrive in our area on July 24.  

Saturday, July 24, 7:00PM-8:30PM EDT

Fenimore Woods Park Pavilion, 99 Fenimore Road, Wayne

Target Audience: 5th-8th graders and their parents

Registration link: 

Limited seating. Register soon. Attendance is free.

Donations are appreciated to absorb rental/travel expenses.

活动主题:Math in Games, Strategy & Invention (数学与游戏, 策略和发明)

适合人群:5-8年级的学生和家长 (家长学生同时参加,受益更大!)      

活动时间:7月24日,  周六, 美东时间 7:00-8:30 PM

报名费用: 免费 (Donations are appreciated to absorb rental/travel expenses)


活动地址/路线:Fenimore Woods Park Pavilion, 99 Fenimore Rd, Wayne, PA 19087

场地座位有限,先报先得,请感兴趣的家长和学生抓紧时间报名, 和罗教授一起用数学启迪孩子们的人生

2. 疫苗真相专家谈: 宾州州长亚太裔委员会主办在线“疫苗真相”专家问答 - 视频回放 Seminar on Covid

7月13日礼拜二晚7点, 由宾州州长亚太裔委员会主席孙一主持的的“疫苗真相”专家问答 取得了圆满成功。 与会的朋友通过多种方式提出了大家关心的诸多问题,宾州第一夫人协同与宾州医师总长、亚裔医疗专家,认真回答了本地亚太裔居民关于疫苗及病毒的疑问 比如:

-如何对抗Delta (德尔塔)等变异病毒?




-孕妇打疫苗安全吗?等等。疫苗真相专家谈 回放, 点击观看 (link to recording)i

3. Museums in Philadelphia - The Complete List (2021)

Philadelphia museums are among the best in the world, and include Wyck Historic House And Garden, Woodford Mansion, and dozens more institutions.

If you and your family are not travelling far and wide, you still have plenty to see right here in Philadelphia. Check out the complete listing of the Museums in the City of the  Brotherly Love, and make plans to visit with your children.

4. Gaming To A Beat! A Kennedy Center VSA Louis Armstrong Center Program 免费音乐游戏夏令营


Three Sessions with Workshops: Free

July 19th to July 30th

August 2nd to August 13th

August 16th to August 27th

Recommended Ages: 10 to 15 years old

Children with special needs is also considered

See attached Flyers and application Form for details

About Professor Po-Shen Loh

Innovator and Creator

Po-Shen Loh believes that anything is possible, even reinventing learning or rethinking the paradigm for pandemic control. He founded Expii, a social enterprise that improves lives through education and healthcare, which began as an innovative learning platform where students have the power to choose how they learn.

Educator and Coach

Po-Shen has been a math professor at Carnegie Mellon University since 2010, and the National Coach of the winning USA International Mathematical Olympiad team since 2014. Through travel, collaboration, and intellectual curiosity, he uncovers math in unexpected places in our everyday lives. His unconventional attitude informs his holistic approach to education and drives him to teach students of all levels, backgrounds, and ages. As an in-demand innovative teacher, he shares mathematics with the world through his live streams for students or parents, the Daily Challenge with Po-Shen Loh, and Expii.

Drawing Teacher’s Student Sample Artwork

Chinese Calligraphy Sample Student Work

Fashion DIY Class Sample Projects

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