

 中国华文教育基金实景课堂远程课程节课堂链接 中国华文教育基金实景课堂1月远程课程表 “伟大的中华传统文化” 实景课堂系列 是由中国华文教育基金会主办,西安恒坐标集团承办的为海外华文学校推出的免费公益培训项目。 有时间的同学们可以在家长的帮助下进入课堂。 12.31.2021. 北美时间东部晚九点半


第九届世界杯青少年绘画大赛美国赛区作品 征集正式启动 9th PAINTING WORLD CUP 世界杯青少年绘画大赛是全球唯一由联合国儿童基金会支持的世界级青少年绘画艺术盛会,被誉为青少年艺术届的“奥林匹克”。大赛得到了加拿大总督、总理、各国领事馆、各国艺术家、各国媒体的大力支持,自2012年第一届大赛启动以来,大赛至今已经成功举办八届,吸引了来自中国、法国、美国、加拿大等50多个国家和地区的超过10万名青少年参与。用绘画艺术架起爱的桥梁,借大赛平台燃起贫困儿童的希望之光。大赛通过全球性的慈善公益活动“帐篷学校”项目,让帮助全世界贫困儿童继续学习成为可能。大赛成功举办以来,共为联合国儿童基金会捐赠627所“帐篷学校”,救助了25080名贫困儿童。 第九届世界杯青少年绘画大赛美国赛区由美国华商促进会(ACBPA)承办和征集,本次大赛分为幼儿组(4-6岁)、儿童组(7-12岁)、少年组(13-17岁)和青年组(18-25岁)四个组别,分组别进行评选。美国赛区的参赛选手们不但将获得名师点评,了解世界最前沿艺术理念,还获得联合国儿童基金会与大赛组委会共同颁发的荣誉证书!感谢他们为世界贫困儿童做出的贡献。无论是国内升学,还是申请出国留学,一份来自联合国颁发的闪亮亮证书将会给他们带来更大的竞争优势和美好记忆。美国赛区还设立大量的实物奖品,如手提电脑,平板电脑,家用电器等。由于受疫情影响,计划参观联合国 (UN),联合国儿童发展基金会领导接见,美国纽约夏令营,加拿大温哥华夏令营等线下活动无法开展,但将为各参赛者预留明年名额。 美国赛区的参赛作品将由中美著名艺术家、教育家组成的专家评审团进行公平公正的评分,最终评选出美国赛区各个组别的单项奖项,并向组委会推荐优胜作品进入全球大赛。部分获奖作品将入选画册并进行全球展出。 美国赛区名誉顾问:丁绍光, 总顾问:曹俊, 学术主持:Charles A. Riley 博士 美国赛区专业评审团名单如下: (排名不分先后) 丁绍光 杰出美籍华人艺术家,现代重彩画大师,国际中国美术家协会会长,美国世界美术家联盟首任主席,美国百人会成员。1980年为人民大会堂创作大型壁画《版纳晨曦》。1990年在日本东京国际艺术大展上,被选入自14世纪以来世界最杰出的百名艺术大师之一,是唯一入选的华人艺术家。多次被评为联合国代表画家,由联合国向全球限量发行邮票和限...

AAJC: A Week of Action to End Anti-Asian Racial Profiling

AAJC Week of Action to End Anti-Asian Racial Profiling Dear AAPI members, We are excited to share that Advancing Justice | AAJC and OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates are launching a Week of Action from November 1-5 to end the racial profiling of Asian Americans and Asian immigrants. We will be conducting virtual legislative visits to Congressional and Senate offices urging them to end the government profiling of scientists, researchers, and scholars of Asian and Chinese descent. We invite your organizations and community members to join us in these efforts. In addition to the recent spike in anti-Asian hate this past year, there has also been increased efforts by the federal government to racially target and profile Asian Americans and Asian immigrants, including by the Department of Commerce’s security unit Investigations and Threat Management Service (ITMS) and the Justice Department’s “China Initiative.” As a result, we are seeing mass surveillance, investigations, and unjus...

MLCCC "Fall Into Giving" Donation Campaign 2021

                                                                   2021 MLCCC Donation Campaign The Main Line Chinese Culture Center (MLCCC) is a nonprofit organization that meets the requirements of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the center are tax-deductible under section 170 of the Code. While tuition payments and generously donated volunteer hours from dedicated parents have enabled our center to provide quality educational programs, we are on a drive to increase our outreach to other segments of the Greater Philadelphia area (in particular, to support under-served children) as well as to enhance our overall programming efforts. As such, please consider joining other organizations like the Shirley and Morrison C. Boyd Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation, the Russell Byers Charter Sc...

Pfizer Booster Shot at MLCCC Campus

 Pfizer Booster Shot Starts at MLCCC Campus On September 24, 2021, the Center for Disease Control ( CDC ) issued new guidance on booster shots of the Pfizer vaccine .  The CDC recommends those that who are at a higher risk for a severe case of COVID-19 get a booster shot.  People who are recommended to get booster doses should have received their second dose of Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago and are either  65 or older or live in a nursing home, or Are aged 50-64 with underlying medical conditions that put them at risk of serious complications from COVID-19. The CDC also said that some other higher-risk people should consider getting a booster dose of Pfizer vaccine at least six months after their second dose. These people include: People who are age 18 to 49 who have underlying medical conditions, and People who work in higher-risk jobs like healthcare workers, teachers, or in other higher-risk occupational or institutional settings. The CDC has also recomme...


  驻美国使领馆将共同举办庆祝国庆72周年招待会 2021/09/21   “庆祝中华人民共和国成立72周年招待会”将于美东时间9月28日晚7时在线上举行。招待会由中国驻美国大使馆举办,中国驻纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶、芝加哥总领馆协办。   届时,中国驻美国大使秦刚和特邀嘉宾将发表视频致辞。天津茱莉亚学院和茱莉亚学院师生、美国国家交响乐团青年演奏家以及中国留美学子将为大家呈现精彩演出。 诚邀各界朋友线上参与!   时间 美东时间2021年9月28日 晚7点-8点 北京时间2021年9月29日 早7点-8点 观看渠道 中文: 英文:h ttp:// Eventbrite网址: 邮件模板: 使馆  YouTube频道   Facebook频道 An online reception for the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China will be held on September 28 at 7pm EST. The reception is organized by the Chinese Embassy in the US, together with the Chinese Consulates General in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago. At the reception, Chinese Ambassador Qin ...


MLCCC Weekend School COVID-19 SAFETY RULES   According to the CDC, vaccination plus wearing masks are the best way to deter COVID. One can sign up for vaccination here , or visit our COVID Prevention Guide Page here . Complete PA COVID Resources are also here .   MLCCC will impose the following hygiene rules to protect the safety of our people and community, especially our children who are 12 and under (without vaccination). We know this may be inconvenient for some but it is most beneficial to our children's safety. These are No-Exception Rules for the entire MLCCC Weekend School Community. (1) EVERYONE must wear a mask while inside GVHS, regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not, whether you are an adult or child, whether you are a teacher or student, etc, with NO EXCEPTIONS. (2) ANYONE who REFUSES to wear a mask is NOT ALLOWED in GVHS. (3) Always BRING AN EXTRA MASK in case your mask breaks. (4) We have thermometers and will be CHECKING TEMPERATURES at the front ...