19th MLCCC Summer Camp (2021)
Welcome to MLCCC 2021 Online Summer Camp in its 19th Year of Fun and Learning 丰富文化体验, 拓展多面兴趣, 收获幸福童年! Online Registration at This Link Welcome to MLCCC 2021 Summer Camp Online! -Dates (开营日期): June 21 to August 20 (9 Weeks), Monday - Friday , 3 Sessions. -Minimum age required (最小年龄): 5 years old -Minimum enrollment (最少开班人数) to run a class: 5 students -Maximum Limit per class: 10-12 students (8 students for Drawing Class, larger for Chess to facilitate tournament) -All classes taught through ZOOM (online) -Session 1 (第一期): 6/21 - 7/9 (3 weeks, 7/5 holiday) -Session 2 (第二期): 7/12 - 7/30 (3 weeks) -Session 3 (第三期): 8/2 - 8/20 (3 weeks) We wanted to provide a comprehensive List of Camp Classes. Click on Each Title (Link) to go to its Section to learn more details: See Days/Times Tables Here -CHL and CSL Classes 汉语老师团队 (母语与非母语班) A FEW CLASSES ARE FULL -“Road Trip” to Ancient Civilizations 古文明之旅八日“游” (Ages 9+) SECOND TIME SLOT ADDED -“...